music ministries
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music ministries
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music ministries
The purpose of the music ministry of Escalon Presbyterian Church is to:
We are committed to prepare and present music with heart and skill. In both preparation and presentation we are committed to excellence. Our ministry is foremost about offering God our very best. We do not take lightly the greatness of our Triune God and the content of what we offer in worship. Secondarily, we pursue the vibrant leadership of our congregation in worship of God. We pray all the music sung or listened to in our sanctuary encourages our congregation to worship God. Because God is gracious, those involved in music ministry often find personal enrichment and are spiritually blessed. Our goal is to glorify God and encourage our congregation to worship God. The natural result of being involved in these endeavors is personal satisfaction and joy beyond measure for the music ministry participant.
music at epc
music groups
Serve with your musical or technical gifts!
Chancel choir
The Chancel Choir is an integral part of the worship services at EPC. Chancel Choir typically sings an Introit, Anthem, and leads the Congregational Hymns 3 Sundays per month, September thru May. Yearly special presentations are planned for Good Friday and Christmas. The choir embraces various styles of music which include sacred, classical, contemporary, folk, and spirituals. Typically the choir is accompanied by piano or organ and periodically by other acoustic instruments. Quality compositions with strong textual content is the focus, rather than style. The choir practices on Wednesdays at 7:00pm in the Choir Room and Sunday mornings at 9:45am in the Sanctuary. The choir is open to singers with various skill and experience levels.

praise team
The praise team at EPC assists in leading our contemporary praise music. Vocal teams are supported by piano, guitar, congas, bongos, and periodic other instruments. With our praise team we endeavor to lead the congregation in singing new music of today. The instrumentation is acoustic in nature and facilitates both joyful and intimate expressions of worship.

EPC wholeheartedly embraces the use of a variety of acoustic instruments in worship. We currently utilize a Rueter Pipe Organ, a Yamaha Grand Piano, Toca Congas and Bongos, acoustic guitars, cello, and violin to name but a few. We are always interested in incorporating other instruments in our worship service.

sound team
We have a dedicated team of Sound techs who help run our modern sound equipment in both the Sanctuary and Centennial Hall.

“The final aim and reason of all music is nothing other than the glorification of God and the refreshment of the spirit.”